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The most complete guide to Southern Nevada's mining history.


Blake is a 15 year US Army veteran having served 2 tours in Iraq and 2 tours in Afghanistan.  Blake retired in 2012 as a highly decorated US Army Ranger Infantry First Sergeant.  Continuing his service,  Blake has returned to Iraq and Afghanistan numerous times with one of our country's largest and best funded private security and protection contractors.  Currently living in San Diego,  Blake trains new private security personnel preparing for overseas deployment and retrains returning personnel for careers in diplomat and executive protection. 

In this series,  Blake gives us the same shooting combat  training advice he gives his own men:

Combat Shooting Skills

Handgun Triggers

Steel Cased Ammunition

Russ C.

Russ has been an important resource for this site almost since the beginning.  If you've been to more than one event or were a participant in the old forum,  you already know Russ (Recon).  Having lived in Las Vegas for many decades,  there aren't many local trails or mines Russ hasn't visited.  Always knowledgeable with history and integral with group event preparation,  Russ can always be counted on as a solid contributor. 

Closing Freedoms Gate

Lucy Grey Mine.  1996 - 1999
Southeast Goodsprings, Nevada 1997

Guest Writer / Contributor Series

I've never presented myself as an expert on history or geology.  In fact, over the years I've mentioned quite a few times that my knowledge of such things is elementary at best.  Some of you may have noticed that I often go out of my way to not present our exploration as lessons, but rather,  as our observations.

Through our group  events, we've met many with knowledge bases far greater and deeper than our own.  This section is an opportunity for those wanting to add their own experiences to the site.  Any contribution, whether written accounts,  image galleries, or a combination of both are appreciated.  Feel free to submit ideas for inclusion.


Something nutty.

Coming soon.