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The most complete guide to Southern Nevada's mining history.


Best of series:  Frankenthread

I was recently looking through the sites old archives and came across some old forum threads I saved.  For those who don't remember or joined us later,  this site used to have an interactive forum where users could post and discuss site related topics.  At least, that was the plan. There were a few topics about local mining and history,  but it seemed that most topics strayed. 

Most forums have strict rules about staying on topic.  I went the other direction and viewed these topics more like conversations.  Like a conversation, topics often changed direction and lived and died by their own momentum.  This conversation, started by member Russ,  is a great example of varied personalities involved.  Of all the site features that have come and gone,  the forums are my most missed.   I have quite a few of these conversations saved.  I'm hoping to release more after this first installment of a "best of" series.

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