December 13, 2014
Goodsprings, Nevada

Thanks to all who attended our very first group meeting.  It was great to finally put faces to names in the forum and emails.  Oddly enough, most of you looked exactly as I imagined you do be.  Your forum personalities are that strong.

Our first tour took us in a wide loop around Goodsprings, Nevada.  While most of the tour was on the surface, it ended with almost  two hours deep underground giving all a greater understanding of the hardships and effort given to build our local history.

Most have said that this tour was their first experience on climbing rope.  While not a technical climb, I have to admit seeing each of you making your way down the rope was the highlight of the trip for me.  Sadly, because of the amount of dust stirred along that shaft, very few pictures of that rappel were clear.  I was hoping each of you would have your own picture on rope to share with friends.

Because the tour was such a success, we immediately began preparing for our next group adventure.  We do hope to see you all again soon.

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